9 Benefits of Attending an online Employment Services Workshop

9 Benefits of Attending an online Employment Services Workshop

You’ve found yourself out of work resulting from COVID-19 – you’ve either been laid off, or your employer can’t offer you enough hours to meet your needs. You find yourself looking for a new job. There are several things you can do to begin your job search, starting with Job Skills’ online workshops to help with career development and skills related to your job search.

Let’s count down the top 9 benefits of attending a Job Skills’ online workshop:

  1. Routine: When you were working, you had a routine to your day; over the past few months, that routine has been rattled, resulting in less ability to concentrate and generate positivity. Job Skills has a calendar of online workshops – led by professional facilitators – to provide motivation and information.
  2. Network: As job seekers, the number one job is to make friends and build your network of contacts. Even online, you can learn strategies to grow your network organically and find leads and opportunities.
  3. Build Confidence: It may have been a while since you last had to job search, and you might be struggling with the right content for your resume. Perhaps it’s been a long time since you’ve been on an interview, and you’re not sure what to expect. Job Skills’ online workshops provide you with insight and tools to build your confidence and assist you in finding your next job.
  4. Explore Options: When you’re unemployed, it’s a unique opportunity to self-reflect and, perhaps, re-invent your professional self. Job Skills’ calendar of online workshops provides you with great information if you’re exploring new career options. Even if you’re not looking for a new career path, these workshops are full of self-discovery activities and assessments to allow you to learn more about yourself.
  5. Access to Professional Advice: Job Skills’ online workshops give you direct access to the latest labour market information from the great team of employment professionals who can also provide one-on-one assistance as you search for your next job.
  6. Inspired Learning: Take advantage of the online workshops around employability skills and have an opportunity to learn and share strategies on how to be a valued employee using your teamwork, communications, and personal management skills.
  7. Motivation: The more workshops you attend, the more motivated you’ll be to become an active job seeker. Working with skilled facilitators and speaking with a personal Employment Consultant will give you the support you need as you move towards employment.
  8. Add to your Resume: Learn about the other programs and services Job Skills offers – to gain specific certifications – add them to your resume to showcase your skills to a potential employer.
  9. The Number One Benefit of Attending Workshops is… Investing in Yourself: Count these online workshops as professional development. Every workshop that you attend is an investment in yourself, your career, and your future.

As a way to help Job Skills has online workshops that will assist you in your current job search situation. Watch for the dates and times to register for our online workshops as well as lots of great links and resources to assist you!

If you haven’t connected with an Employment Consultant at Job Skills NOW is the time to get that one-on-one support you need as you move through the new way of working. Call Job Skills toll free at 1-866-592-6278 to connect to one of Job Skill’s experts.