
Here are some helpful tips and some misconceptions to keep in mind if you are actively, or soon will be, looking for a job.

Fact: It Is beneficial to network with Human Resource Managers

A Human Resource Manager’s role is to fill open job vacancies.  There are often many roles to fill in many organizations.  Networking with individuals that work in human resources is in your best interest, it helps you stay on top of jobs available with companies you have identified as ones you’d like to work for.

Fiction: You will interview for every job you apply for

Submitting a vague or general resume to a company hoping to get a call for an interview will most likely not happen.  Most often, your simple resume will not result in a callback.  Human Resource Managers will not usually call for more details.  Hiring managers get many applications and only contact you if you are a good match for the job. Your application and résumé need to show how you are a match for the position they’ve advertised.

Fact: The best time to look for a job is when you are already employed

Looking for work is a full-time job!  You should continually be assessing the job market, researching opportunities and taking interviews if contacted.  This will keep you current and aware of the trends within your chosen industry.

Looking for a position while still employed usually means you are relaxed knowing that you still have your present position. It can also mean a more relaxed and confident interview process with you more in control of the situation.

Fiction: The best time to network is after the job is posted

It’s never too early to start networking. Many companies attempt to hire from within before a job is posted externally – the best time to be networking to be considered for an opportunity is before the posting is advertised.


Fact: Your resume is one of your most important job search tools

Your resume is your initial calling card and your public presence.  In combination with your cover letter and important LinkedIn profile, it tells a story to a hiring manager considering candidates.

A powerful, compelling, unique, and honest resume will provide the details required to secure an interview.

Fiction: You can expect a response soon after you apply

When you’ve taken time to strategically apply for the desired position, you assume that you’ll hear from the hiring manager very soon. Sometimes you may not hear back at all.  After you’ve submitted your application, you can connect with someone in human resources to ask for a time frame to fill the position and confirm they have received your application.  However, don’t wait by phone or email. Finding work is a numbers game. The more positions you apply for, the better chance one or some may result in an interview.

Fact: Your references will be contacted early in the interview process

Seldom will your references get checked while resumes are being reviewed or early in the interview process.  It takes time and money to verify references, and there may be multiple candidates applying and interviewing.  Likely, references will be contacted once you have been identified as a viable candidate and an offer is made.

Have a minimum of three professional and two personal references. Only a few may be checked, but your confidence in providing these names may be the final determinant in an employer’s hiring process.

Fiction: Job searching only requires you to apply for positions online

Applying to multiple jobs may make you feel productive. However, most jobs are either filled internally or through referrals.

Cast a wide net searching through networking connections, looking online, using recruiters, attending professional association meetings, volunteering, and meeting new people every day.  Don’t forget, more than 70 % of people get jobs through networking, and 93% of hiring managers report that they consider the ‘chemistry’ between interviewer and interviewee as important in decision making.

Fact: Your cover letter is a powerful tool

In reality, some hiring managers will never read a cover letter, and others won’t look at your resume until after reading your cover letter.

Always include a customized cover letter explaining why you are interested in and qualified for the job and provide some details about the company you’re applying to.  These added details highlight that you have done your research about the company and that you are a great fit.

Most applications now require a cover letter in addition to your resume.  The cover letter is your opportunity to tell your story in more detail than a resume.  Remember, the goal of a cover letter is to get hiring managers to learn more about you and want to invite you in for an interview.

If you haven’t connected with an Employment Consultant at Job Skills, NOW is the time to get that one-on-one support you can use as you move through the new way of working.  Call Job Skills toll-free at 1-866-592-6278 to connect to one of Job Skills’ experts

Job Skills has more than 40 online workshops to assist you in your career exploration and job search situation. Register to participate in the online ‘Cover Letters that Open the Door’ workshop on December 14, 2021, 10:00 am – 11:00 am. Watch for the other dates and times to register for any of our online workshops, as well as lots of great links and resources to assist you!