Please don't tell me I didn't get the job!

Job Seekers often need help figuring out why their job search isn’t working. However, it usually comes down to their job search strategy. I was on Reddit the other day and came across this post from a Reddit user that said: “Hundreds of applications. 1 interview. 3/4 months. No Job. What do I do?”

This is not an uncommon question in the employment sector. I’ve often spoken to Job Seekers, and they tell me a similar story. Everybody is different, but you see a lot of similarities in their accounts. It usually comes down to two things; the job search strategy and the resume.

There’s this myth that job seekers should apply to as many jobs as possible. Quantity over quality is the wrong strategy. A job seeker can’t just cast a wide net and hope that some employment opportunities latch on. The reality is the job market is ultra-competitive, and if a job seeker wants to be successful, they have to adopt the quality over quantity approach. If a job seeker fails to buy into this strategy, they’re playing job search roulette and hoping they eventually get lucky and land a job interview.

The correct strategy is for job seekers to customize their resume for each position they’re applying for instead of sending out the same resume to as many job postings as possible. Job seekers should instead write a brand new resume every time they apply for a job. This process is more labour-intensive. However, this approach dramatically increases the chances of an employer wanting to interview that person.

When it comes to job searching, it’s about standing out amongst the crowd. Sending the generic resume over and over will not increase the odds of landing an interview. Job seekers must show the employer why they are the best candidate for that job. That can’t happen when the job seeker’s resume doesn’t relate to the skills and experience in the job description.

Most employers make it easy. The job description will clearly say what the company wants and needs in an employee. Job seekers can identify skills that match the company’s needs and show the employer through their resume why they are the best candidate for the job.

It’s easy for job seekers to show off their unique skill set. It just takes hard work and patience. Choosing quality over quantity is the best strategy for anyone looking for a job.

To find your job search solution visit and book an appointment with one of our employment consultants.