Entering a new country presents countless challenges, with finding meaningful employment at the forefront. For newcomers in Canada, transitioning into the Canadian workforce involves not only adapting to a new cultural setting but also understanding and integrating into the local workplace environment. Herein lies the crucial role of innovative programs like the Simpact Practice Firm, designed to bridge this gap by providing a supportive and realistic platform for job seekers to gain hands-on experience in various sectors.

What is a Practice Firm?

The Simpact Practice Firm operates as a simulated workplace that mirrors the Canadian work environment, offering clients from the Ukrainian and newcomer communities an invaluable opportunity to immerse themselves in practical work settings without the pressure of a formal job. Over an eight-week program, participants can build their skill sets in fields such as administration, data entry, accounting/bookkeeping, and several others, through hands-on exercises and projects.

But the Practice Firm is more than just about skill-building; it’s a holistic program aimed at full workplace integration. Participants engage in activities that enhance their understanding of Canadian workplace norms, improve their workplace language proficiency, and offer networking opportunities with peers and professionals in their field.

Benefits of Joining a Practice Firm

Hands-on Experience

Participants in the Practice Firm gain direct experience in their desired fields, working on practical projects that reflect real-world job tasks. This experience is not just about skill enhancement but also about understanding the nuances of the Canadian workplace culture.

Networking Opportunities

Building a network is vital for job success anywhere, and it becomes even more crucial for newcomers. The Practice Firm enables participants to connect with each other, guest speakers, and professionals, laying the foundation for a robust professional network in Canada.

Customized Career Coaching

Each participant benefits from personalized career coaching, ensuring that they receive guidance tailored to their individual needs and goals. This one-on-one support is pivotal in developing a strategic action plan for re-entering the workforce.

Sector-Specific Learning

With a vast array of sectors covered, from communications to human resources, the Practice Firm allows participants to specialize in their area of interest or explore new career paths, with insights from sector-specific experts and guest speakers from organizations like the CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Association).

Eligibility and How to Join

The Simpact Practice Firm is open to unemployed Ukrainian and newcomer individuals who meet certain criteria, including being a Convention Refugee, Permanent Resident, Ukrainian Temporary Resident, or Protected Person with a minimum English language level equivalent to CLB 5. This inclusive program is designed to be accessible to those ready and legally entitled to work in Canada, providing a vital stepping stone to employment integration.


For newcomer job seekers in Canada, navigating the employment landscape can feel daunting. The Simpact Practice Firm offers a unique solution to this challenge, providing a practical, supportive environment where participants can learn, grow, and prepare for success in the Canadian workforce. By participating in this innovative program, newcomers can take significant steps toward achieving their career goals while contributing to the vibrant tapestry of Canada’s professional community.

For those interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, visits are welcome Monday to Friday, 10 am to 2 pm at the Markham North Welcome Centre. Engage in this transforming experience and pave the way for a fruitful career path in your new home.


For 35 plus years, Job Skills has been delivering solutions to job seekers and moving people into sustainable, meaningful employment. Throughout their long history, Job Skills has recognized that not every job seeker is the same. There is no one size fits all employment program. That’s why the Job Skills vision is building an inclusive society where all people are ensured equitable opportunities to fulfill their career aspirations and participate fully in the community.

Job Skills’ employment specialists are there to answer any of your employment questions. Job Skills‘ staff offer solutions to all job seekers, including youth, newcomers, mature workers, persons with disabilities, and entrepreneurs. Job Skills’ knowledgeable team can help you make educated decisions, set goals, and create a strategy to help you become happier in your career. Job Skills works with local employers creating employment opportunities for Job Skills’ clients.

Thanks to government funding, Job Skills’ programs and services are free to all users. Job Skills have locations across Keswick, Stouffville, Markham, Brampton, and Mississauga. Job Skills also offers virtual services for community members unable to attend one of our offices for in-person activities.

Find your employment solution today. Visit www.jobskills.org

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