Newmarket, Ontario – Job Skills’ community outreach project is dedicated to connecting with and developing strong relationships with other community partners/organizations while working with vulnerable populations with multiple barriers to employment and are living in or at the risk of poverty.
Thanks to the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Resilient Communities Fund, Job Skills employs a dedicated Community Outreach Coordinator (COC), who executes a focused outreach initiative that targets residents at risk of or in poverty. This outreach includes to shelters, faith based institutions, food banks and also to connect people to the necessary community services (housing, employment and financial aid).
Beginning May 1, 2022, the COC has used a re-imagined mix of communication strategies to connect with a minimum of 200 organizations increasing the visibility and awareness of programs and services in the community. The flexibility of the COC to perform outreach and referrals, and the tailored services means that barriers to financial security/employment are addressed in a focused and individualistic way. The COC collaborates with community agencies to identify people eligible/in need of employment services.
“Job Skills recognizes that building and maintaining strong community relationships is an integral part of assisting vulnerable persons and strengthening the community. Creating a roadmap of organizations, services, and programs, gives Job Skills staff an essential tool to help job seekers living with multiple barriers to easily navigate the social service system, while eliminating challenges to identify appropriate referrals.” – Bethany Obermeyer, Executive Director, Job Skills.
For more information, please contact
Bethany Obermayer
Executive Director
Job Skills
905-898-5138, 1866-592-6278