Are you ready to feel a new kind of professional passion and…
job skills
By Catherine Turner All
There is no such thing as 'too old to work'… whether you're 55 or 85, you can work as long as you want when you have the skills and experience.
By Ray Rauth All
I would never suggest that anybody stay at a job where they aren't happy. However, I recommend speaking with your employer before quitting your new job.
By Ray Rauth All
A company wouldn't waste time going through the process if it didn't find it valuable. Being honest during your exit interview will help the organization address inefficiencies and any problems that senior management needs to notice.
By Ray Rauth All
It takes a lot of courage to change careers and be proud that you’re going through the process. Changing careers is not something you’re going to want to rush into. Take your time and make an intelligent decision.
By Ray Rauth All
Allow time for your relationship to develop. Just because things are different, it doesn't mean it's worse. It's different but also creates new opportunities
By Ray Rauth All
Letting your anxiety get the best of you will not solve the problem. Honesty is the best policy, regardless of why you missed the interview.
By Ray Rauth All
Job Skills recognizes that for youth to reach their employment goals, it's vital that we close the knowledge gaps.
By Ray Rauth All
Before asking for a raise, plan and do your research. Stay calm during your meeting with your employer, and don't make any threats or ultimatums. Always make sure to plan out your next steps.